A few ways to hack stuff on GitHub

Last modified 1710971818000 ago by Blake Burkhart

5 min read

pull_request vs pull_request_target

AKA “pwn request”

Insecure example: https://securitylab.github.com/research/github-actions-preventing-pwn-requests/#:~:text=INSECURE


# Potentially insecure
    types: [assigned, opened, synchronize, reopened]

Forks can attack self-hosted runners via modified pull_request workflows


Compromised https://github.com/actions/runner-images which builds GitHub.com hosted runner images

  1. Submit a benign typo fix PR to a project to get past “Require approval for first-time contributors”

  2. Send a second malicious PR that runs without manual approval

A PR can actually modify the workflow. Because the workflow users pull_request it still only gets read only tokens. But they can modify runs_on and select a self-hosted runner’s tag. And they can attempt to break out of an insecure/non-ephemeral runner.

pull_request_target instead uses the workflow from the base branch instead of the PR’s branch. But it’s very risky as mentioned previously as it may read/write access to the forked repo.

Fix: use “Require approval for all outside collaborators”

Alternate hard to use fix: Use worfkflow restrictions

Require approval for all outside collaborators


We recommend that you only use self-hosted runners with private repositories. This is because forks of your public repository can potentially run dangerous code on your self-hosted runner machine by creating a pull request that executes the code in a workflow.

Command injection through git branch name

Fix: use an intermediate environment variable



- name: echo PR title insecurely
  run: |
    echo "${{ github.event.pull_request.title }}"

# Secured with an intermediate environment variable

- name: echo PR title securely
    TITLE: ${{ github.event.pull_request.title }}
  run: |
    echo "${TITLE}"

Also, this issue can show up with to Zarf variables or Helm values substituted into YAML. But the input is usually not considered untrusted, so no security risk. Just a risk of things breaking because they have quotes.

Write access → steal repository secrets

DEMO: https://github.com/praetorian-inc/gato/wiki/Usage

Attacker can create unprotected branch and run actions, can delete logs of attack

gh auth login
export GH_TOKEN=$(gh auth token)
gato enumerate --target octocat

gato attack --target octocat/gato-demo-repo --secrets

Fix: use GitHub environment secrets

Environment secrets

Note: over privileged PATs (such as classic PATs) can be stolen. This gives the attacker access to a user’s identity on GitHub and gives them access to any repos accessible by the user, including personal repos.

Recommendation: Use a GitHub App with actions/create-github-app-token to get a PAT-like token instead.

Best fix: Avoid secrets entirely, use id-token JWT. However… see next section for risks.

Write access → id-token JWT → access AWS

  id-token: write

Any user with write access can create unprotected branches and run workflows. They can create a JWT id-token in their workflow and attempt to access external systems like AWS.

Fix: AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity IAM policy should check JWT claims to ensure it’s being run from a protected branch (check environment name or ref)


Claims: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/deployment/security-hardening-your-deployments/about-security-hardening-with-openid-connect#understanding-the-oidc-token

Except… AWS only supports inspecting standard claims like sub, not custom claims.

AWS Fix: Use GitHub feature to customize the sub claim if needed: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/deployment/security-hardening-your-deployments/about-security-hardening-with-openid-connect#customizing-the-subject-claims-for-an-organization-or-repository

TODO: sub may contain environment by default?

Write access → edit releases and packages


Write access allows users to modify releases. Packages have the same issue, but can be restricted with manual hard to use config.

No easy fix: drop users below write access, require fork-and-PR

GitHub Runner as C2

A fun trick that shows up in this attack: https://adnanthekhan.com/2023/12/20/one-supply-chain-attack-to-rule-them-all/

Any firewall around a self hosted runner must allow internet access to GitHub.com. An attacker can register their own runner on their own org and use this as a C2 channel.

Bonus: “Google OAuth is Broken (Sort Of)”


You can register a personal non-gmail Google account on Workspace domains using a + email.

Fix: Use SAML with Google Workspace

Related issue: https://www.descope.com/blog/post/noauth

Similarly, beware of the security of the email JWT claim when integrating Keycloak. Many apps (such as GitLab) expect it to never change: a user claiming another’s email address can lead to account takeover.

Bonus: Alternate authenticators (e.g. PATs) work after disabling SSO

Some apps like GitLab support alternate authentication methods PATs and SSH keys. When you deactivate a user’s access by only disabling their Keycloak account, this only blocks browser login. They can still access GitLab APIs via PAT.

This is true for many apps other than GitLab if they have any kind of “API key” feature. Also, check if “API keys” are associated to a user or not, they may not even be deleted if they’re not associated to a user.

Fix: deactivate user accounts inside each app, not just at Keycloak. SCIM can automate deprovisioning, but Keycloak doesn’t support it natively.

Fix for custom code: consider using offline OIDC tokens which can query the IdP to check if the token is still valid.