
Last modified 1710973847000 ago by razzle

2 min read


This page is a short tutorial on how to use this site. An interactive CLI is available to help you author new content. To use it, run the following command:

bun hack/new.ts

Front Matter

For configuring routing, metadata, and other page-specific settings, this site uses YAML front matter. Front matter is a block of YAML at the top of a page that is surrounded by --- delimiters. For example, the front matter for this page looks like:

title: Tutorial
slug: tutorial


This site uses markdown-it for rendering Markdown and follows the CommonMark specification.


For right now, images are stored in the static directory, and placed within a directory named the same as the page’s slug. To include an image in a page, use the following syntax:

<!-- The below is an _absolute_ link to the image -->
![alternate title](/<slug>/<image>)


This site uses reveal.js for rendering slides. To create a slide deck, create a page with the slides layout and use the following syntax:

reveal.js allows for 2-dimentional slide decks. To place a slide “under” another slide, use --- (3) delimiters. To place a slide “next to” another slide, use ----- (5) delimiters.

title: My Slide Deck
slug: my-slide-deck
layout: slides

# Slide 1


# Under slide 1


# Slide 2


# Slide 3

See an better example at content/slides.md.

All Markdown syntax is supported in slides. See the reveal.js documentation for more information.